android-rust-nix-example.gitflake.nix for Rust with Android NDK 4 months
ankka-esp32s3-usb-otg.gitESP32S3 USB (OTG) library for Rust 8 months
ankka-fw-idf.gitBadUSB controllable by USB, unmaintained Rust + ESP-IDF firmware 8 months
ankka-fw.gitBadUSB controllable by USB, Rust firmware 7 months
attiny88-power-lib.gitWIP Library for Attiny48/88 Power Reduction Register control 8 months
attiny88-timer-lib.gitWIP Library for Attiny48/88 timer control 8 months
axka-music.gitMusic program which reads metadata from Spotify and gets audio from Piped/YouTub...4 weeks
cockli-gen.git account generator 8 months
dm-visualizer.gitDevice mapper example Rust program for Android 7 months
dt-tools.gitDevicetree tools 6 weeks
esp-rs-nix.gitNix Flake for ESP32S3 development on Rust using `esp-rs` 8 months
nixos_glyphon.gitglyphon patched to use cosmic-text 0.10 to fix text rendering on NixOS
nixos_iced.giticed patched to use and cosmic-text@0.10 t...6 months
nixos_iced_aw.giticed_aw patched to use
templates/egui_nix_template.gitflake.nix for using egui with NixOS 5 months
templates/iced_nix_template.gitflake.nix and Cargo.toml for using iced with NixOS 5 months